Orders and Return Policy

  • Order Processing:
  • 1. Order Confirmation: After placing an order, you will receive an email confirmation with details of your purchase. Please review it carefully and contact us immediately if there are any discrepancies.

    2. Order Delivery: Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days.

  • Delivery:
  • 1. Delivery Methods: We offer various delivery options during the checkout process. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
    2. Delivery Charges: Delivery charges are calculated based on the weight of your order and the destination. The total cost will be displayed during the checkout process.

  • Returns and Exchanges:
  • Return Requirement: Original invoices must be presented with all returns

  • Refunds:
  • Refund: - A cash refund or credit note for the full purchase price may be issued if returns take place within 48 hours after purchase provided goods are in their original packaging, including all manuals & software and are in a resalable condition.

    - No credit or refund will be issued at all if the return is more than 2 days (48hrs) after the purchase. But Computer traders will see to solve all problems for customers if warranty terms allowed.

  • Exchanges:
  • Exchange Process: If a Product is returned under warranty we cannot guarantee safety of any classified Data. It is the Customer’s responsibility to backup all Data including Application Programs prior to returning any system to Complete Computer Services

  • Disclaimer:
  • C.T Ghana will not be responsible for any fraudulent activities, customers must ensure they are dealing with the right source and take receipt of any item purchased.

  • Contact Information:
  • - Customer Support Email: [email protected]
    - Customer Support Phone: 233 20 046 4647

    The terms and Conditions stipulated is subject to the sales and goods Act (Act 137) and therefore the use of shall is mandatory... Employ a party to carry out such obligation..